Kristy graduated from Indiana University with two Bachelor of Arts degrees in journalism and political science. She worked as a television news reporter for 25 years before switching careers to become a professional photographer. She specializes in children, families, high school seniors, corporate head shots, pets, and wildlife. She has earned several degrees through Professional Photographers of America (PPA) . She is a Master of Photography, a Master Artist, and a Photographic Craftsman. She is also a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) at the national level.

Kristy is actively involved in the photography industry serving as a PPA approved international juror and is currently the vice president of Professional Photographers of Northeast Ohio. She has also served as an elected council member for PPA and for the Board of Governors for the American Society of Photographers (ASP).

Kristy strives to be the best she can be for her clients so she is constantly immersing herself in continuing education. She also competes with the best-of-the-best in the photography industry through image competition at the state, national, and international levels. She has won various awards including four television Emmy awards, PPA Diamond Photographer of the Year, Ohio Photographer of the Year and is a two-time finalist for the International Photographic Competition (IPC) Grand Imaging Award with 2nd place in the nation in the Photographic Open Album Category. Kristy is also the recipient of PPA's Imaging Excellence award. She has been a PPA national webinar instructor, Imaging USA speaker (national convention speaker), and has earned PPA's 100EDU speaker bar. She has received the prestigious ASP Gold Medallion (1st place nationally) and the State Elite award. Her biggest accomplishment is becoming an ASP Fellow – the highest honor a professional photographer can achieve. Only 133 photographers have earned this designation in the history of photography.

Kristy loves to write. She has had articles and images of her work published in national magazines. She also enjoys traveling. Her husband is from the Netherlands, so when the two visit his family, they always venture into other parts of Europe. She has been to six of the seven continents including Antarctica and Asia. Her love of adventure has blended seamlessly with her love of animals. She now travels the world in pursuit of wildlife photography. Please check out her wildlife images on this website.

In case you are interested in more details about Kristy's incredible journey in photography please scroll down. She has lots to share!

In 2023, Kristy earned the prestigious ASP Fellowship, which she considers to be her biggest, and most challenging, accomplishment since becoming a professional photographer. To be able to even apply for the Fellowship, a photographer has to first hold a degree from Professional Photographers of America. A candidate then enters a portfolio of work consisting of 25 "exquisite" printed images characteristic of his or her finest work, along with submitting a personal paper providing insight into their photographic or artistic journey, influences, philosophies, and passion that make them the photographer they are today. Very few professional photographers have achieved this designation so it's something Kristy is very proud of accomplishing. Only 134 photographers in the history of photography have reached the ASP Fellow status. Below is Kristy's portfolio of images.

It took Kristy four years to receive the ASP Fellowship once she decided to embark on that journey. Her project, titled "Trading Places," is all about creating characters of photographers. It is based on the premise that each photographer traded places with their cameras, stepping out from behind their equipment and in front of Kristy's lens, to be photographed by her. She photographed more than 40 photographers from 14 states around the country. Many of them wore costumes that depicted something about their personalities, interests, hobbies, ethnic backgrounds, or careers. It was all about Kristy telling their stories in a single frame.

In 2017 Kristy received her Master of Photography Degree through Professional Photographers of America. A Master Photographer is in an elite group of photographers who strive for excellence in their work. It is achieved through education and years of image competition at the international level where photographers' work is judged with the hope it is deemed among the best in the world.

In 2016 Kristy completed an intensive examination and review process to become a Certified Professional Photographer at the national level.

Established in 1977 by Professional Photographers of America the Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) credential serves to identify professional photographers who have demonstrated technical competence through a written examination and photographic image submission. PPA and the Certification Committee follow standards for certification which are established by the national Institute of Credentialing Excellence (ICE).

In 2023 Kristy earned PPA's EDU100 bar. Kristy traveled extensively around the United States as an educator. To earn the EDU100 bar a photographer will spend hundreds of hours teaching and speaking at various schools, local and state photography organizations, and at the national level. It took Kristy 7 years to reach this major milestone.

As a result of the speaking journey that Kristy embarked on years ago, she ended up receiving PPA's Photographic Craftsman degree in 2018. It is earned by being an educator within the industry. Pictured below is her Craftsman degree sponsor, Lori McCoy, and PPA president Rob Behm.

Kristy then went on to earn her Master Artist degree in 2023. Pictured below: PPA president Jeffrey Dachowski and Kristy's sponsor, ASP president Ella Carlson.


Kristy has served as president, vice president and secretary of Professional Photographers of Northeast Ohio (PPNEO) over the years. She joined this organization in 2009 and credits it for helping her become the photographer she is today. Kristy serves on this board to give back – or pay it forward – to other photographers so they receive opportunities like she did, mainly through mentors who helped, supported, and encouraged her, as she began her photography career.

From 2021 to 2023 Kristy served on the Board of Governors for a national organization called the American Society of Photographers.

In 2022 Kristy earned the American Society of Photographers' Service Award. It is achieved by earning points through countless hours of service. It is a symbol of "hard work and an indication of the selfless character of the person who wears it." Kristy wears it proudly.

In 2019 Kristy became a PPA approved juror after attending judging school in Atlanta, Georgia in 2016. PPA jurors are trained and qualified to judge image competition at the international level.

Kristy served 6 years as an elected council member for Professional Photographers of America. Councilors act as the voice for members of their state and help set policy by discussing and voting on changes to PPA by-laws, procedures, and leadership. They are also vital in helping PPA get important messaging out to its 35,000 members.

Kristy was elected by PPA council members to serve a 3-year term with the organization's Nominating Committee. This committee is responsible for vetting all of the board candidates and then deciding who will be nominated. Those recommendations are then voted on by council.

In 2023 Kristy earned Ohio's service medallion for years of volunteer work in support of the photography industry at the state level.


Kristy was commissioned by an author to do the photography for a children's book. It's about a unique relationship between a big horse and a little dog. It is being sold in book stores, boutique shops, and Amazon! This project was such a delight for Kristy to do. She absolutely loved it!


Two of Kristy's images were on the cover of the ASP Magazine – a national publication

"Professional Photographer" magazine featured Kristy in its November 2023 publication. The article came about after the editor of the magazine heard an inspirational speaking program Kristy had done during a live webinar, with hundreds of people in attendance, about "Facing the Fear of Failure."


Kristy has been named OHIO PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR multiple times after placing first overall in state image competition.

In 2020, Kristy received the Grand Imaging Award through international photographic competition.

2019 Grand Imaging Award finalist: Top 10 image through international photographic competition.

Kristy has won first place in the state of Ohio many times for the general portrait category, the children's portrait category, and the wildlife category through image competition. She also won first place overall for having the highest scores in the state.

Here are some of Kristy's award-winning images from state and international photographic competitions:

This image above of a digitally painted peacock earned Kristy the ASP Gold Medallion (1st place nationally), along with Ohio's State Elite award, and PPA's Imaging Excellence award.

2023 State Elite award for having the highest scoring image in Ohio as a member of the American Society of Photographers.

The image above, photographed in Antarctica, received an Imaging Excellence award at the International Photographic Competition, along with Ohio's Environmental Portrait Award for having the highest-scoring environmental portrait.

1st Place - Professional Photographers of America Northeast District Award 2019 - Children's Portrait Category

Grand Imaging Award Nominee 2019 - PPA International Photographic Competition

"Pumped Up and Pissed Off" - 2019 International Photographic Competition - was accepted into the prestigious Loan Collection through Professional Photographers of America. It was deemed the best of the best at in international print competition

"What These Eyes Have Seen" - 2019 International Photographic Competition Merit - deemed among the best.

"The Last Letter" - 2019 PPA International Photographic Competition Merit - deemed among the best.

"I'm All Ears"- Professional Photographers of Ohio Merit

"Did Someone Say Catnip?" - Professional Photographers of Ohio Merit

In 2016 "Bring It On" was given a merit award through Professional Photographers of Ohio.

In 2016 "A Shocking Discovery" was awarded a merit through Professional Photographers of Ohio.

In 2016 "Duty Before Beauty" was awarded a merit at the International Print Competition through Professional Photographers of America, being deemed one of the best images in the world.

In May 2014 Kristy won the prestigious Kodak Gallery Award, which is given to only five photographers in the United States for having "the best of the best" work in portrait photography.

The image that received the Kodak Gallery award in 2014, titled "Survivor," was also selected for what's called "The Loan Collection", an international award given to photographers for having the best images in competition.

That same year, Professional Photographers of America awarded Kristy with two more merits for images deemed "among the best."

2014 PPA Merit Collection: "Put Up Your Dukes"

2014 PPA Merit Collection: "Baseball Blues"

In 2017 Kristy's image, "The Aviator" was accepted into the prestigious Loan Collection through Professional Photographers of America. It was deemed the best of the best at international print competition.

"Determined to Dance" won first place for the Children's Print Category at the Ohio print competition. This image also merited at the International Print Competition through Professional Photographers of America.

In 2017 this image, "Eye Spy", was awarded a merit at the International Print Competition, deemed among the best images in the International Photographic Competition. It also won first place for the General Portrait Category at the Ohio Print Competition.

In 2017 "Daddy's Little Co-Pilot" was awarded a merit at the International Print Competition through Professional Photographers of America.

In 2016 Kristy's image above, "Crunch Time", was accepted into the Loan Collection through Professional Photographers of America, a prestigious award given to a select few who have the best-of-the-best portraits in international competition. That same honor was given to another one of Kristy's images, titled "Monster-in-Law".

2016 Professional Photographers of Ohio (PPO) state merit award for "The Traveling Salesman"

2016 PPO state merit award for "The Extra Mile"

2016 PPO state merit award for "Just Another Day At The Office". Photographed in Istanbul, Turkey.

2016 PPO state merit award for "Degree of Satisfaction".

2016 PPO state merit award for "Say What?".

In 2015 another one of Kristy's portraits was chosen for the prestigious Loan Collection through Professional Photographers of America. The image, titled "Still Waiting for Mr. Right", has been honored with being one of the best of international print competition.

In 2015 Kristy also was awarded merits for two more images at the international level of photographic competition.

PPA Merit Collection: "The Wrangler's Daughter"

PPA Merit Collection: "Standing at Attention

PPA merit award at the 2016 International Print Competition for having one of the best of the best images in competition.

In 2016 Professional Photographers of Ohio honored Kristy with the prestigious "J. Anthony Bill Award" for having the most outstanding portrait in the state of Ohio. The portrait, shown above, is titled "I Used To Ski But I Got Board".

J. Anthony Bill Award

Kristy has earned the prestigious J. Anthony Bill award five times: in 2016, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. This award is for the highest scoring portrait in the state of Ohio.

Below are images Kristy has entered in the International Photographic Competition that received awards.


Below are a couple of Kristy's favorite images of up-close-and-personal encounters she had with animals while photographing them. She hopes they bring you a smile.

Kristy loves wearing animal hats ... and those who hang out with her usually end up with hats on too!

Photographing puffins in Maine!

Penguin hats in Antarctica!

Bear hats in Alaska!

Unicorn hats at PPA's Imaging USA national photography convention!

Business head shot of Kristy for a speaking program she does called "The Whole Enchilada!"

Kristy likes to laugh, and to get other people to laugh, so she is constantly behaving like "the class clown," which is the title of this self portrait. She likes positive energy, funny humor, uplifting others, and bringing joy into people's lives. That's one of the reasons she has a passion for photography! If her work makes people happy then she feels she has served a positive purpose on this earth.